速報APP / 運動 / SportsBuddy - Find sports partners

SportsBuddy - Find sports partners





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Made with ❤️ in India

SportsBuddy - Find sports partners(圖1)-速報App

Have you ever found yourself looking for someone to play tennis with? Or maybe you need 5 players to complete a team for a fun game of soccer. Or perhaps you're out of town this weekend and want to play football for fun, but don't have any friends to play with. Well, Sports Buddy is here to help!

Use Sports Buddy to make "real-life" friends while also increasing your own health and physical condition by participating in fun activities you enjoy. From tennis players, to running buddies, to yoga pals -- or whatever sport you love, we’ve got you covered. Join and get swiping. We match, you play!

How to use?

SportsBuddy - Find sports partners(圖2)-速報App

1. SignIn to your account

2. Set your location and search preferences

3. Set your Sports Interests

SportsBuddy - Find sports partners(圖3)-速報App

3. Swipe Right/Left on other users

4. Message them if they match

Benefits of using SportsBuddy

SportsBuddy - Find sports partners(圖4)-速報App

★ Find and meet sporty people interested in playing with you

★ Plan games/matches/tournaments together, or make a team, or just hang out for fun!

★ Play your favourite games with new people and experience new challenges

SportsBuddy - Find sports partners(圖5)-速報App

★ Stay fit and healty with sports while making new friends

★ Make solid and lifelong connections knitted with experience and shared memories

★ And who knows you might even meet the love of your life

SportsBuddy - Find sports partners(圖6)-速報App